12th Summer Course on
Marine Ecological & Evolutionary Genomics

Applications are now closed and under review. The selection should be announce by email to applicants around April 11th.
Marine genomics knowledge is crucial for understanding the marine environment and for an efficient use of its resources. State of the art NGS methods have revolutionized the field, spawning applications in basic research and environmental management. The course will give insight into population, environmental, biodiversity, comparative, evolutionary and functional genomics through lectures, case studies and computer labs.
Target group
Advanced PhD students (at least in their second year) and junior postdocs with a solid knowledge in marine ecological and environmental genomics, phylogenetics and/or population genetics.
The 12th edition of the MEEG Summer Course is sponsored by EuroMarine, the European marine science network (www.euromarinenetwork.eu) and EMBRC-France (www.embrc-france.fr/fr), the French node of the European Marine Bioresources Center (www.embrc.eu).
To apply, please click on How to apply on the left menu and read the instructions carefully.
Do not forget to submit your Curriculum vitae (2 pages), a cover letter (1 page) and a support letter before March 31st 2016.
18 participants will be selected according to the following criteria:
- Relevance of the course for their PhD or post-doc project
- Background and experience of applicant
- Diversity; we aim for participants with different research backgrounds (only one person per institute will be considered) and equal gender balance among participants.
The selected candidates will be notified by April 7th 2016 and are requested confirm their attendance within seven days. We will have a waiting list in case of non-confirmations and cancellations.